Meditation can reduce the stressthat drives addictive behaviors, and improve both physical and mental health.
Since our sight is interconnectedwith the rest of our body, keeping our bodies in good shape can naturally dowonders for our eye health. Regular exercise, even in the form of a daily walk, has multiple health benefits. Exercising regularly can help keep blood sugar levels at a healthy count and reduce the chances of developing diabetes and other related health conditions, like diabetic retinopathy.
Because they are moist and warm,the eyes are vulnerable to germs and bacteria. Since we often touch our eyeswithout realizing it, proper hygiene is important to keep them safe. Contact wearers should make the extra effort to keep them clean and disinfected as instructed, and replace them as advised.
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Chemicals and sharp projectilescan do quick and serious damage to your eyes. Always wear protective goggleswhen working with chemicals or power tools or airborne substances.
Exposure to the ultraviolet (UV)rays from the sun is another common source of eye damage. Choosingsunglasses that block UV radiation from sunlight will help prevent conditions like macular degeneration and cataracts.
Limit and manage screen time
An increasingly common threat tothe eyes is too much screen time. What used to be mainly televisionentertainment and work now follows us around everywhere we go. Besides the ‘close work’ factor already mentioned, some studies suggest that the blue light from screens can damage retinal cells, leading to macular degeneration. This same blue light is known to suppress the sleep hormone melatonin, causing disrupted sleep patterns and increased eye strain. A recent NEI-funded study found that children’s eyes apparently absorb more blue light from screens than adults do.
To mitigate the habit of lookinginto a screen for a prolonged period of time, follow the 20-20-20 rule. Every20 minutes, stop staring at the screen and look at something else 20 feet away for 20 seconds.
With this, you can balance outyour exposure to the bright lights of your computer screen and undergo aregulated period of time to perform your work while giving your eyes enough time and space to rest.
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